LinkedIn を使用してリードを生成する

3月 14, 2016

When it comes to social media what’s the first thing that comes to your mind – Facebook? Second? Twitter? Third – Pinterest or Instagram? Well, we could go on and on and it can be said with almost certainty that LinkedIn wouldn’t be your first, second or even your third choice! But it should be! Linkedin is fairly underutilized, to put it mildly.

For most of us LinkedIn is like a résumé’ place -the place where we connect with professionals and find jobs! But did you know that LinkedIn is not just a place for industry related discussions? With 414 million users, Linkedin can be a great channel for business development, if harnessed correctly.

Here are few tips to generate leads using LinkedIn.

Personal Branding

LinkedIn is a great place to promote your brand. Create a profile for yourself and showcase your brand with videos, presentations, webinars and content. Speak in first person and add and engage with your target market as well as people belonging to the same industry as you. Get involved in niche groups and be active there. However, don’t make your profile as a sales pitch and don’t engage with your audience just for sales pitch. First offer the value freely and only then expect the returns. Also, request your clients to write testimonials about you for added credibility.

Complete Your Profile

Before you can participate in discussion, complete your LinkedIn profile with real details like emails, addresses, years of starting and whatever it is that is required to complete the profile. Add call to action links to dedicated landing pages, so that you can track conversion that comes from LinkedIn profile.

Join Related LinkedIn Groups

There are a lot of discussion groups available for all kinds of niche. Join the groups and offer your expertise. Expand your reach by taking active participation, you can join up to 50 groups so maximize your reach by being active on as many groups as possible. It is good for your business and also helpful in lead generation.

Use Linkedin Ad Rotation Feature to Prevent Banner Blindness and Optimize Best Performers

There’s an option in LinkedIn to allow ads to rotate or allow their algorithms to pick one ad. Allow them to rotate evenly because that way LinkedIn’s algorithm might pick the best ad and show it more often which would be favourable for you.

Engage in LinkedIn Network

LinkedIn Network is one of the useful but under-utilized tools on LinkedIn. Through LinkedIn network, people seek advice on industry related issues and you can answer as an industry insider. Establish yourself as a thought leader by frequently answering questions related to your industry. If you have posts or content which you think can provide helpful information about another user’s question, optimize it for lead gen (with a call-to-action), and link it to your answers.

Collect Leads using Ads

Lead Collection is an optional feature in LinkedIn Ads, it allows advertisers to collect leads directly through their LinkedIn ad campaigns. When someone clicks on your ad, they are taken to your landing page, with a button to request you to contact them. This is easy for both user and you.

Try-out LinkedIn Direct Ads

LinkedIn has an advertising program which can be used to drive new prospects to your landing pages. It works the same way Google’s paid search ads work. Write a headline, add some copy and then create a destination link. You can bid on how much you’ll pay LinkedIn when someone clicks on the ad.

Create an Everyday Plan to Stay Active

You can use this platform to stay in front by publishing quality content consistently. Provide content that keeps your targeted audience interested. Editorial calendar can help you manage your LinkedIn publishing schedule, so it’s good to maintain an editorial calendar.

We hope these tips will be helpful in generating leads for your business. What do you think? Post your inputs below in the comment section and if you like the blog, share it on your social channels.
