高いコンバージョン率を実現する UI デザイン

12月 17, 2016

What is Conversion rate & how does UI impact it?

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who take a desired action. This desired action can be anything, varying from site to site. For instance, sales of products, membership registrations, newsletter subscriptions, software downloads, or just about any activity beyond simple page browsing.

High conversion rate directly contributes to the business growth

A high conversion rate is a product of multiple factors, which are all important to get you the required results —

  • The interest levels of the end users
  • The value proposition offered
  • The user-friendliness of the buying process
How UI/UX impact the rate
  • The interest level of the visitor can be increased by arriving at a combination of the right visitor, the right place and the right time.
  • The value proposition of the product and how well it is presented to the visitor (also includes the UI) together contribute to the attractiveness of the offer.
  • The visitor’s ease of completing the desired action depends on site usability which includes proper navigation(UX) and fast loading pages.

Tips to improve UI to get high conversion rates

1) Make your content reader-friendly with a one column layout instead of multiple columns

While adopting a multi-column approach with your content can get a bit confounding for the readers by bringing multiple topics at the same level, single column content guides the reader in a more controlled manner from the top to the bottom. This is a more effective way to guide people with your brand’s story and at the end convince then to take the call to action, you expect them to take.

2) Having social proof matters much more than talking about yourself

Having social proof gives a great boost to the website conversion rate and is quite a good persuasion tactic since it is always much more impactful when someone else praises you as compared to you yourself boasting about your own qualities. The same goes with your online audience who constantly seeks social proof in order to approve of you and your offerings. So, testimonials or any such data, graph etc. that reflects your work quality adds significant value to your brand.

3) Give a gift instead of closing the sale right away

As obvious as it may sound, being nice to someone by offering a small token of appreciation can come back in your favor down the road. So, you can just try to gift or give offers like ‘Celebrate with us’, ‘It’s our Anniversary’ or Free vouchers or Bonus etc. in place of plainly saying ‘Sign up Now’.

4) Merge Similar Functions instead of fragmenting the UI

Gradually, it has become easy to create multiple sections, elements and features which perform the same function. This sometimes leads to duplicate functionality on a single page labelled in different ways. This doesn’t only put more strain to your users but it also shifts the focus. Review your page once in a while and try to merge similar functions together.

5) Repeat your Primary Action instead of showing it just once

It doesn’t have to mean that you need to display your offer ‘n’ number of times all over your screen only so your visitors end up getting frustrated. However, looking at the current scenario, wherein long pages are a prominent trend, it makes sense to keep one noticeable item directing to take action at the top and another prominent one at the bottom. So, when the visitors reach the bottom of the page, they should not be left confounded what to do the next. This therefore makes a solid place for making them an offer and closing a deal.

6) Recommend instead of showing equal choices

When showing multiple offers, a highlighted product suggestion can be a great idea since some people need a little bit of a push. There are also some psychology studies out there that suggest that the more choices we have, the more confused we get and the less are the chances of a decision actually being made and acted upon. So, do underscore certain options over the others.

7) Keep Fewer Form Fields instead of asking for too many

Who likes to fill out too many form fields? With every additional form field to fill, you increase the risk of visitor giving up & leaving the page. So, this should be thoroughly checked and made sure that every form field included, is absolutely important and required. You must remove as many fields as possible to ensure this. If even after this, you have too many fields, you should try to move them after the form submission process – to a separate page where the extra fields can be filled in. Fewer fields help conversions at a better rate.

8) Be direct & confident in directing the users to help them decide

You can either choose to sound suggestive & uncertain while directing the users to take an action or you can confidently direct to taking it. If you make use of question marks, ‘maybe or ‘perhaps, in all likelihood, you have a lot of scope to be more directive. This can certainly help enhance your website conversion rate.

9) Stop hiding the options in dropdown menus and explicitly display them

By using drop down menu, you tend to hide a set of actions that require extra effort to be made, in order to discover it. So, you can reserve the use of such menus only for predictable actions & otherwise, one can refrain from using such menus. You should be especially wary of using dropdowns for the key items that take your audience in the path of conversion.

