{"id":9379,"date":"2017-05-24T17:44:14","date_gmt":"2017-05-24T12:14:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.carmatec.com\/?p=9379"},"modified":"2022-09-28T13:13:28","modified_gmt":"2022-09-28T13:13:28","slug":"consider-migrating-php-5-to-php-7-2017","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.carmatec.com\/ja\/\u30d6\u30ed\u30b0\/consider-migrating-php-5-to-php-7-2017\/","title":{"rendered":"2017 \u5e74\u306b PHP 5 \u304b\u3089 PHP 7 \u3078\u306e\u79fb\u884c\u3092\u691c\u8a0e\u3059\u308b\u7406\u7531\u306f\u4f55\u3067\u3059\u304b?"},"content":{"rendered":"

PHP 7 is the new wave of change in the way we represent our businesses on the digital platform. Ever since PHP 5 was released in 2004, PHP 7 has been the most remarkable update that has proven to be disruptive in the web development market-place. The reason being, PHP is one of the most popular web development languages that most websites and applications are based on. So, migrating to PHP is naturally, a key concern for most businesses that have used this language for their business apps or websites.<\/p>\n

Reasons why you should upgrade to PHP 7<\/h2>\n

So, first off, let\u2019s get to the most common reasons why you\u2019d want to, or rather, you might just have to update the version of PHP on your server from PHP 5 to PHP 7, this year<\/p>\n