React と Angular – 完全な比較

10月 13, 2020

There are many front-end development frameworks, but two of them, React and Angular, seem to have taken the market by storm. Over the years, we have seen a drastic change in the front-end development sector, and with the coming in so many strong frameworks, the companies can easily focus on building a robust application.

The front-end frameworks have helped new features, thereby making the life of developers across the globe quickly. The use of these front-end frameworks has helped in creating a highly-functional performance for businesses, thereby leading to easy adoption of interoperability.

But, there has always been a constant struggle of React vs. Angular. Although these are the two most commonly used platforms by renowned portals and websites, it has also helped software engineers build a strong interface.

Table Of Content

React vs. Angular: A Comparison

React vs. Angular: Framework Architecture

React vs. Angular: Data Binding and DOM

React vs. Angular: Modularity and Reusability

React vs. Angular: Performance

React vs. Angular: Testing

React vs. Angular: Learning Curve

React vs. Angular: Ease of update

React vs. Angular: Documentation

What is the future of React and Angular?

React vs. Angular: Which one is better?

React vs. Angular: A comparison

The differences between React and Angular had eventually led to increased popularity. Not only does it differ in performance but also the basic structure.


React was launched in the market by Facebook and had a very different framework than that of AngularJS. Hence, the apps created using React will not usually have an ‘accurate’ structure.

React allows updating user views, but there is no option for creating our own application. Furthermore, it is a simple and effective way to build component trees, but there are model and controller layers.

React has a structured coding because of the wide availability of components. You don’t need to follow a systematic code writing when using React. You can follow JSX to make new templates and classes. However, the users can still write down codes plainly with HTML and JavaScript. As a result, JavaScript developers are more comfortable using React than Angular. With React, one doesn’t have to follow the complex syntax pattern.


Angular has a fixed yet complex structure based solely on three layers- Model, View, and Controller. The object $scope handles the Model Part, while Control initiates it and transforms it into the HTML script for the viewers and users. Over the years, AngularJS has helped create many factories, services, directives, and controllers, which may require some time for a Javascript developer.

Using AngularJS, the particular app code can be divided into different files. Depending on the chunks, it can be stored in separate files, which can later be used for different parts of a particular website.

The main difference between React and Angular lies in terms of simplicity. React may be more beneficial than Angular, but it is a time-consuming method of designing and application. Choosing from different instruments to develop the application from scratch can turn out to be a cumbersome task.

React vs. Angular: Framework Architecture

Angular and React share both similarities and differences. Angular follows the MVC framework while React is based on the JavaScript library.


While Angular restricts you, React tends to give you a lot of flexibility, because, in the MVC model, you are only provided V by React. The rest M and C need to be created on your own with the freedom to choose any library you want. Working with independent libraries provides you to work at a faster rate. Since you control the libraries, you will have the freedom to check on updates and migration.

However, there’s a con too of this freedom. React projects are different and work on a hierarchical basis for folders. These architectural and hierarchical elements can, however, make things go wrong easily.

If ‘out-of-the-box’ ideas are concerned, React is no less than AngularJS. It also offers a variety of things like

  • XSS Protection
  • Absence of dependency injection
  • A shift from classic templates to developed ones like JSX
  • Ajax Requests
  • Presence of utility testing components
  • Since React allows to add functionalities too, some of the major libraries to choose from include
  • State management- Redux or MobX
  • Additional testing utility- Enzyme
  • Routing- React-router


AngularJS tends to provide opinions on how an application should follow a particular structure. This helps to offer ‘out-of-the-box’ ideas. With Angular, you don’t need to undergo complicated ideas and routing of libraries. You will have code with whatever Angular offers, which is often considered to be a drawback by the developers.

As far as ‘out-of-the-box’ features are concerned, AngularJS tends to offer a lot of things like

  • XSS Protection
  • Dependency Injection
  • Component CSS encapsulation
  • Availability of unit-testing components
  • HTML extended version template
  • Forms provided by Angular for building forms
  • Ajax requests as provided by @angular/HTTP.

React vs. Angular: Data Binding and DOM

Isn’t Data Binding one essential thing to consider? There’s a significant difference between Data Binding and Document Object Model of the two platforms.


Unlike Angular, React uses the one-way data binding process. As a result, the developers will have to manage the flow of data only in one direction, which offers the benefits of checking data flow. The developers can easily track the changes.

Even React supported a two-way data binding procedure, but Facebook got over it and launched Flux, an application to maintain the unidirectional data flow. The dispatcher in Flux allows complete Control on the flow of data. Flux’s dispatcher is responsible for receiving data and transferring it to an appropriate platform for complete updates. With changing updates, the view is also updated, and the dispatcher will eventually receive a new action. This process continues until the complete update of the store. Flux has therefore been able to maintain the dynamic flow of data and maintain the effectiveness of codebase too.


In Angular, the Document Object Model (DOM) model is connected to the Model via the two-way data binding Model of the Controller. Hence, when the user changes a value in the input field, there will be significant updates not only in the View section but the Model as well. The two-way data binding procedure suits Angular the best because the developer needs to write less boilerplate code for creating links between components within the application. Hence, there will be no necessity to find new codes to check for updates within the app.

However, the two-way data binding procedure will hurt the performance of the app. The app will eventually have connections with different watchers and other elements.

The unidirectional flow of data has helped avoid complexities. One can easily debug or solve problems within the large React applications, as compared to that of AngularJS applications.

React vs. Angular: Modularity and Reusability

AngularJS and React follow the component-based framework. This is one similarity between the two, which brings together the reusable, modular, and cohesive components together. However, there’s a difference between the two in this case in terms of the stack.

The application development costs are rising with each passing day. Hence, it becomes essential to choose a platform that allows reusing the components more in times like this. The reusability feature helps in saving time, money, and extra efforts of duplicating. With proper reusability, the app can be launched in the market at a faster rate.

Since they both follow the component-based architectures, it allows going for modular components that are closely knit together. As a result, the framework’s elements can be reused, only to bring about new interface features. Reusability and modularity had always been an important requirement for front-end developers for easing their website development process.

Both AngularJS and React can have a significant role in speeding up the process of app development. The developers will not need to focus on the building components from scratch to launch the app.


React follows JavaScript, which can often be complex for developers who aren’t comfortable using the platform.


AngularJS follows the TypeScript for app and web development. This is more convenient for developers because it is compact and helps to create error-free platforms.

React vs. Angular: Performance

As far as performance is concerned, there has been a significant tussle between the two platforms, which is the fastest and most effective. The performance of these components will eventually have a direct impact on the performance of apps.


Unlike the mature frameworks, React has the benefit of the virtual Document Object Model. Comparatively, virtual DOM has more benefits because a lightweight DOM tree helps save all objects and data on the server. Suppose the user enters a new data in the input field, React on creating a new DOM tree will compare it to the previously existing one. The library will check for differences and then update it accordingly using the new HTML model. All the complex function is carried on the server, which eventually reduces the browser’s load and framework.

Unlike sending the entire update with new HTML on the browser, React will forward only the changed elements. There is no requirement of watchers to keep a check on the real DOM. As a result, one can easily control the performance of an application using DOM.

Nonetheless, we cannot deny the fact that fast applications can be created using AngularJS too.


As discussed earlier, Angular is highly dependent on the bidirectional flow of data. Based on dirty checking, this can lead to applications made using AngularJS lag behind.

When values are bound in HTML using the particular Model, AngularJS creates a new watcher to check on the changes in DOM. With the update in view, AngularJS further compares the new value to the initial value to run the $digest loop. The loop tracks all the changes, from the initial ones to the ones tracked by watchers. If the particular application has too many watchers bound in it, there will be a decrease in the application’s performance.

This, however, can become problematic if the values are interdependent. If AngularJS notices a change in value due to another value, the now $digest loop will cease only to start from the beginning.

The loop keeps functioning until all watchers have been checked, and all necessary updates have been applied to Model and View. Often the newly updated data isn’t visible in the field, which is why it is better to avoid it always.

AngularJS works in DOM. This is one major drawback which may harm the functioning of the app. . This framework brings a change in the real DOM browser. On the update of real DOM value, all the internal values also change to form a new DOM. As a result, the application becomes slow.

Due to the applications’ poor performance, updates have been made for Angular 2 and Angular 4 framework. It is also bringing about unidirectional data-binding like React, but it also offers bidirectional data binding.

React vs. Angular: Testing

The main differences between React and angular are dependent on the results of testing. It is necessary to keep a check with it to avoid any inconvenience. The expert developers prefer using either a single tool or a combination of tools to conduct the test and find accurate results.


The Reacted codes are tested using Jest, introduced by Facebook. Jest, for testing, is a part of every React project, and there’s almost zero configuration for using. Jest is one of the powerful mocking libraries, often used with Enzyme. This makes testing easy and convenient. Unlike the single tool for testing in Angular, React may need different testing tools. Although the results are easy to read, it is a time-consuming process.


Angular IO testing and debugging for projects can be done using essential, single tools such as Protractor, Karma, and Jasmine. The test results of React are, however very complicated, if the code is tested through Jasmine. Hence, people, for this reason, prefer using the other two tools over Jasmine.

React vs. Angular: When to choose what?

Both frameworks form an important part of the app development procedure. However, which one is the right fit will completely depend on the type of app you want.


The developers should opt for React only if

  • The team is familiar with frameworks such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
  • You need to build the app using different solutions and put it across different states during the development stage. These include navigation items, dynamic input, a user log in, and access permission.
  • You want the app to be thoroughly built with proper focus on the pre-development process.
  • You want to build a customized app with high-end features.
  • You want the components to be shareable across different applications depending on the app’s growth and popularity.
  • You may want to proceed with the current scenario. Always take a comprehensive look at the future trends and proceed with long-term solutions in the head.


The developers should choose Angular for app development when

  • The developers can work efficiently with frameworks like pre-existing versions of Angular, C#, and Java.
  • You don’t want much complexity in your app.
  • The app should contain a lot of features.
  • You want a boost in productivity with some ready-to-use solutions.
  • You want to continuously regulate the app and stay updated about the changes in the size of the app.

React vs. Angular: Learning Curve

The learning curve is one of the first and foremost things to consider when moving with new technology. However, what you choose completely depends on the concept’s familiarity.


The first and the basic thing taught in React is JSX. Initially, it may seem a lot complex, but it isn’t complex at all. The basic level for learning React will include learning how to write components, state management (internal for beginner level), and configuration props usage. It is a plain framework like JavaScript. Hence, you will not need to learn any complex loop structures.

The advanced level of React requires you to learn routing the library. The state management stage will include learning Redux or ModX. You will be ready to build apps once you learn the basics and state management.


Angular provides an opportunity to learn many things, right from the base level to the advanced level. The basic topics of Angular often include components, dependency injection, templates, and pipes. The advanced topics in Angular include zones, AoT compilation, detection, and Rx.js.

The beginners may have a tough time adjusting to Angular because of the complicated concept. But, as you proceed, you will need to keep a lot of things in mind, and the experience may be a bit harsh. The learners need to be familiar with topics like change detection programs and Rx.js subscription management.

Comparatively, React makes it easier for beginners.

React vs. Angular: Ease of update

How easy an app is to update contributes a lot to its popularity. At the end of the day, it comes down to personal preferences and convenience, which is why you should choose the app framework accordingly.


Moreover, React also allows making easy transactions across the different versions. The front-end development libraries mostly depend on external libraries, making updates easy, and third-party migration is also easy. When developing and building apps using the React framework, the developers get to check if the third-party library is compatible with that of the latest versions of JavaScript. However, this procedure does consume some time, so the developers will need to put in the extra effort.


Comparatively, Angular has a better CLI that supports commands such as ng_update. This allows upgrading the apps quickly, depending on the latest version. As a result, app development becomes very convenient using the latest upgrades. The update process is automated in the platform and framework.

Both the platforms are working on making transitions smooth across different versions. However, React still lags behind Angular.

React vs. Angular: Documentation


React development procedure is fast and undergoing. But like the previous versions, documentation is very valuable for React. The beginner developers should follow a comprehensive approach to get hold of React documentation.


The angular framework constantly goes under updates. Hence, as far as documentation is concerned, it is pretty slow. A lot of tutorials and documentation about Angular are useless, especially for budding developers. If you are a budding developer, you should avoid going for those tutorials and documentation.

What is the future of React and Angular?

As far as the future of both the frameworks is concerned, there are hardly any chances of both of them going out of trend, say by 2025. Ever since the development, React has brought about some huge changes in the framework. With developers getting the flexibility to offer feedback, the framework has led to new features, improved syntax, and a boost in API.

Angular, comparatively, has noticed a significant growth over the years. The number of users is expected to grow with an update on the release of Angular 8. However, both the framework and library are here to stay for a long time.

React vs. Angular: Which one is better?

There are significant differences between React and Angular. While the former is a framework TypeScript, the latter is a Javascript library. Hence, the decision to choose between the two can often become very tiresome. The platform chosen to build the app will completely depend on the developer.

Both are extremely beneficial for app and website developers. Although there is a range of benefits, choosing one can be a tough job.

React was launched by Facebook, and Google launched angular. React has many searches, but even today, the developers prefer working with Angular because of the wide availability of ready-made options. Comparatively, React is easy to learn. As far as flexibility is concerned, React seems to be more popular than Angular because the developers can easily create applications.

But, in terms of the building blocks, there isn’t much difference between React and Angular. Both Angular and React are in some aspects better than each other. Hence, it is a little tough to find out which one is the best between the two. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.

It comes down to the type of application you are developing and the user-interface you want. The expert consultants can surely help you find the perfect platform.

Don’t know what to choose between React and Angular for the app development process? Get in touch with a professional developer. They know the latest trends of the market and thus can help to find out the best platform.

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