ブラック フライデーとサイバー マンデーの売上を最大化するためのデジタル マーケティングのヒント

11月 26, 2015

Crazy deals and insane sales, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are a favorite for shopping-crazy people and to state the obvious, retailers. After all, when it comes to retail, it is difficult to overemphasize the value that Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers. The Black Friday week is almost the biggest day of the year for retailers. But, gone are the days when Black Friday meant shoppers sleeping in the tents or lurking outside the brick and mortar shops to be able to bag the best deals. Today the scenario has changed. Shoppers have alternative methods of getting the shopping deals without the chaos. Especially with the advent of eコマース, anybody can buy anything and enjoy the Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts with just a click of the mouse. But then again with most mega-store offering their Black Friday deals, it can get a little overwhelming for a small e-commerce store to rise above the noise. How do you ensure that your brand gets noticed? Remember, early bird gets the worm. It is never too early to think about your digital strategies and how you can leverage the Black Friday fever and maximize sales. Here are some digital marketing tips which you can incorporate in your marketing efforts to maximize sales and improve traffic.

  • Be Creative – Understand that shoppers are used to getting bombarded with advertisements and following the same old methods of advertisements and marketing will not get you any traction. Creativity is the key. Be creative, not repetitive.
  • Start Earlier – Black Friday and Cyber Monday are not just weekend anymore. They have almost become a shopping season. So, start your digital marketing efforts earlier to get your audience to notice you.
  • Don’t Underestimate Emails – Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. Emails can give you a personalized reason to get inside the inbox of your target audience. Ensure that your emailers are good with nice designs and holiday cheers. There are a lot of software present which can help you analyze your email marketing efforts with the open and click rates. You can tweak your emails depending on the kind of response you get. However, don’t get deterred too much with the open rates analytics as during holidays, click and open rate goes down so you just need to focus on your unsubscribe list instead.
  • Promote your best offers – Promote your best offers through email, display ads, social media ads, social media posts and all other marketing methods.
  • Go for video ads – Videos are gaining the momentum and Black Friday is the best time to take advantage. Get creative with your videos with out of the box ads, behind the scenes, teaser videos regarding upcoming sale and more.
  • Optimize your website – Ensure that your website works seamlessly on all devices; computers, mobiles and tablets. Check that your products have proper descriptions and the navigation is optimized with no confusion.
  • Leverage Social Media – Social media is huge and it is free. Use social network to your advantage. Have contests, post product promotions, giveaways and social media exclusive deals. Also, be very active on all your social platforms. Reply to the queries promptly and engage your users in conversations.
  • Go for paid advertisements – Pay per click, display advertisements, Facebook and other social media advertisements, there are a lot of avenues which can garner you clicks and traffic. Set a budget and start at least a week before the Black Friday begins.
  • Landing Pages – Create landing pages around your specific products deals. Instead of sending your buyer to the home page, setting up specific landing pages are much more effective. It is not only convenient for your audience but is also an efficient way to increase the chances of purchase.
  • Have consistency – Have a look at your website, social media pages and emails and ensure that the tone of each platform is consistent and exciting. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are exciting days for a shoppers and lack-luster tone of your platforms could be a put off.
  • Go for omni-channel strategy – To know more about how you can effectively incorporate omni-channel strategies, check out our blog here.

Now go ahead and paint the town red. Generate leads, sales and grab new customers with these digital strategies.

Still at loss on how you can maximize your digital marketing strategies? We at カーマテック, strive to build lasting relationships with our clients by providing a one stop-shop model incorporating cohesive Internet marketing solutions for organizations of all sizes. 連絡する with us now and we would help you plan your holiday marketing campaigns.
