Web アプリケーションの保守 - 必ず行うべきチェックリスト

2022 年 8 月 9 日

Web applications need maintenance just like other software, but this is not something people are highlighting enough! But why should this web application maintenance should be more of a thing?

It is essential to work that needs to be carried out on a software application to make the application work more reliably and perform security functions. Maintenance is primarily focused on upgrading the application to ensure that it is highly productive and cost-effective. Therefore, doing an enhancement is much related to performing maintenance.

Obvious, but worth making explicit!

Keeping up with your web application isn’t just with regards to changing the shading plan or checkin’ things as ‘unavailable’. It’s tied in with making incredible substance, guarding it against programmers, and ensuring that the advertising group is taking care of its business.
There are multiple ways of keeping your web application updated and new and this will help you to make marketing projections. The lights of performing maintenance may stay on technology and platform changes, scaling, and bug fixing. You can make the future success of your project and the happiness of your customers – a great success when you maintain your web application.

There are three kinds of web application maintenance those errands to zero in on. These are:

1. Security support:

Security is the main justification for web application support. Programmers are continuously looking for ways of attempting and breaking into an organization’s site. Particularly are the ones that are applications with admittance to client subtleties and monetary data. Your security should be more tight than tight. Normal support checks will uncover weaknesses and permit you to fix them before they’re found by any other person.

2. Preventive maintenance:

The maintenance of web application must be carried out in regular intervals in order to check for the system faults and to make sure that any feature updates are needed. This can be performed based on the time, finding the faults, managing risks, other conditions and based upon the predictions.

3. Corrective maintenance:

The corrective maintenance is majorly carried out to solve the business fallouts. This may be of deferred type or the emergency type as it is based on the criticality and the time taken to solve the failures. When you are making any custom web application, these kinds of scenarios can be expected.

Checklist to keep in mind:

Fixing bugs – This is a normal process and you no need to get panic in those situations. If you are in the process of maintaining your web application, then go for fixing the bugs that are raised. You will come across a variety of highly critical bugs or ones that are inconspicuous.

Updates with third-party APIs –
 The web application will be connected to third-party services and hence your app needs to be updated with the new service APIs. This is not a kind of frequent maintenance, but this is performed to support both old and new versions.

Updates and security patches – Constant updates? Yes? It is necessary to do general software updates which take as much time as the API updates. This takes some more time than you initially spent during the product development.

New functionality implementation – Some features might get more popular and if you are planning to expand the application, then you need to keep them up. You need to ensure that every new feature is solving a problem. This is also to ensure that you are in the right direction of satisfying the customers.

Scaling applications – This is something exciting – which is a call to action. If you are developing an MVP for your web application and your users are increasing rapidly, then your app needs to be highly loaded. The servers will increase, and in this situation, you need to give more power to your app by increasing the server capacity using the AWS service. Approximately it takes around 8 hours to upgrade!

Monitoring – The bugs and APIs will change rapidly and this is the reason your web application needs a constant check. You need to monitor your application and find rapid solutions for the problems raised. Carmatec deals with these kinds of monitoring tools and our team will take care of the processes.

Reduced downtime – カーマテック provides the web application maintenance services, wherein we will go for the option of minimal downtime. If your web application crashes during peak business hours, then you might lose your brand’s reputation and your profit. Hence, it is highly recommended to limit your downtime functions.

Better client experience:

It’s essential to keep reasonable web application maintenance, guaranteeing the route is direct. You can connect your web application support to other business processes here, as well. Your item planning, for example, can assist you with arranging out where to place items on your site and how to interface them together. Meaning clients will be a lot likelier to encounter. There are heaps of greeting page models across specialties that show solid consciousness of client experience.

“Everything revolves around being clear and coordinated”

As important as the development itself!

When you are planning for a project, you need to make sure that the team is willing to be involved in the web application maintenance also. One more important thing to note is that, the team which is building the project must be the team who is maintaining the web application as well. The reason behind is, the team will be aware of how things work and why these things are built upon! To avoid any business dissolution and financial loss, web application maintenance services become – The must!
