AI がモバイル e コマースのトレンドに与える影響

10月 16, 2018

There is practically no industry that has remained untouched by the impact of AI, be it Education, eCommerce, Agriculture or Employment. The smart approach it equips any business with, undoubtedly enables these businesses to be more successful at catering well to their customers. And more than just being another of the leading tech-trends of recent years, m-commerce has proved to be a growingly popular modern way of shopping. As evident from the infographics presented by Mofluid, Artificial Intelligence has empowered m-Commerce with new trends to make shopping a more pleasant and comfortable experience for the modern-day shoppers. This post aims to discuss those trends.

Backed by Artificial Intelligence, the e-commerce and m-commerce platforms are equipped to leverage the extensive data related to the consumer behaviour now available to them with ease and this allows them to understand on what terms one user is different from the other based on which they are able to impart personalized user experiences to them.

According to Mofluid’s infographics, here are some of the M-Commerce trends that have been strongly impacted by AI:

Personalised User Experience: 

By personalizatione personalisation algorithms, the m-commerce retailers have achieved increased conversion rates by up to 30%. Based on the customers’ likings and preferences as highlighted by them, these algorithms help in suggesting suitable products and offerings to these customers. This helps the retails present the customers with highly personalized versions of the home page according to the specific customers.

More Pleasant Customer Experience: 

By making the use of ChatBots, the m-commerce retailers are leveraging the latest trend of conversational commerce to make the customer experience all the more pleasant and comfortable to engage the users on a deeper level. Using the Chatbots to automate the customer service has not only made it hassle-free for the business to present the users with constant support to resolve their issues but it has also made it possible for them to learn about their users better by not losing out on the opportunities to interact with them in real-time while making a note of their preferences and wish-lists.

Product-search and Navigation: 

The way the mobile users are searching for their desired products is changing drastically in today’s times. While the users are getting used to the Voice-activated search, the businesses are also looking for adopting more advanced and modern tools in order for adding more context to the shopping-related searches of their customers.

AI for Video Content: 

Artificial Intelligence is capable of recording the customer-related trends and interpreting these trends for enabling the video-marketing. And as we all know that video content is the most popular form of content in today’s times, the retailers are exploring the ways to implement artificial intelligence in video marketing to make the video consumer experiences more satisfying.

Virtual Shoppers: 

To simplify the mobile shopping for the customers, virtual shopping assistance is being experimented by the retailers quite frequently. It helps the customers by presenting them with the best and the most relevantdeals according to their preferences. This has also been predicted to be a prominent trend in the days to come.

With the huge market size of US$36.8 Billion by 2025, 人工知能 is going to be notably implemented in every industry domain, easily proving to be the ‘next big thing’. And the m-commerce retailers are going to explore and research to make the most of these trends in the days to come for presenting their customers with more meaningful shopping experiences, all thanks to artificial intelligence!

Want to learn all about the 人工知能 and the ways to integrate them into your website? Contact us and our team of experts will help you implement this quickly.

IT 業界で 16 年以上の専門知識を持つ Carmatec は、デザイン、行動科学、ユーザビリティ、分析、マーケティング、ブランド作成の分野から多面的なスキルセットを結集して、Web デザインの総合的なソリューションを企業に提供します。 ウェブおよびモバイル開発, Remote IT infrastructure management, Software Development, Managed IT services, クラウドコンサルティング、インターネット マーケティングとブランディング。

こちらもお読みくださいAI がモバイルアプリのパーソナライゼーションをどのように強化したか
