
12月 12, 2018

Before we could realise, we had already made the move from accessing the internet on desktops to laptops to the mobile devices. It is known to us by now that the number of smartphone users world-wide has crossed Five Billion and the trend of using mobile apps is not as ephemeral as we might have thought of it at the outset. With the constantly emerging trends in the モバイルアプリ開発、アプリは私たちの日常生活に欠かせないものであることが証明されています。さらに、位置情報サービス、拡張現実、仮想現実などのテクノロジーを統合することにより、アプリはビジネスの収益創出に大きく貢献しています。
Having said that, 2019 promises to be a year for us to witness remarkable new trends in the mobile technology or at least significant improvement and upgradation in the currently prevailing trends.

Integration of Chatbots – Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

In the recent couple of years, Chatbots have become an integral part of our digital presence. These serve as virtual assistants to your customers in the web and mobile applications. 人工知能 has enabled you to easily implement the Chatbots to your application without having to involve the complexities of coding. With the advent of AI and machine learning, mobile apps have become a lot more expedient. Siri and Chatbots are manifestations of AI and have proved how virtual assistance has enhanced the experience for the mobile users to such a great extent. This has created a huge demand for machine learning and AI skills in the market for adding more features and empowering the users to do more.

Inclusion of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the Mobile Strategy

As indicated by the recent trends, Artificial Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have entered our digital world to add more value in terms of the user experience in a diversity of industry domains. According to the predictions, both the technologies are here to stay. With the compatible hardware fast entering the market, AR and VR are soon to make their place in the mobile strategy of most businesses.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and EMM

Since 2016, Google Search has integrated AMP (Application Performance Management) listings. This has allowed the developers to include streamlined version of CSS and an off-the-shelf JavaScript library with the key focus on standardising the mobile responsive pages to achieve speed and readability of the content as your top priority over all the other aspects. Considering the growing trend towards the ‘mobile only’ usage, AMP is becoming an indispensable part of the mobile strategy of the businesses.

Cloud Integration

By streamlining the business operations, reducing the costs of hosting, facilitating improved storage and loading capacity and enhancing the user engagement and retention, the development of mobile apps over a cloud platform has proven revolutionary. With the numerous new possibilities offered by クラウドテクノロジー and integration, the world of mobile development technology has evolved to a new level.

Instant Apps will grow more popular

Instant Apps are the native mobile applications which are smaller in size, more handy and user-friendly as there is practically no need to download them. Because of the fact that they can be accessed instantly, they are called as instant applications. With their advent in 2016, their popularity in the market has caught on with the growing user demand for enhanced user experience with improved performance and less loading times.

More focus on Mobile App Security

With the recent acceptance by a number of popular mobile apps about their major security lapses, the app developers around the world have become more prudent and inclined towards investing more in the cybersecurity. Therefore, developing the understanding about the importance of secure mobile apps and the direct link of security with the data privacy of the users has gained prevalence in the recent times. This is the reason why the mobile app security will gain more focus in the coming year.

Predictive Analytics to Influence Mobile UI/UX

With the most popular mobile apps using AI for predictive analytics to enhance the buyer journeys across their UI/UX, 2019 is ready for more advancement in this department. So, the time is not far when your business mobile app is not just a utility for you but an integral part of your business work-flow. With the bigger organisations already implementing this, this trend is soon to catch on with all the growing and emerging businesses.

While talking about the mobile application technology trends, we can not ignore the fact that the Smartphones have become an integral parts of our day-to-day lives. With the unique user-experience enhancement, these trends are bound to necessitate the use of smartphones in our lives all the more. 2019 is a year of new anticipations in the world of mobile app development.

If you have a new mobile development project in the pipeline, which all trends would you like to consider including? カーマテック provides you with mobile app development services that encompass the most avant-garde trends in helping you focus on your user experiences and buyer journeys.

Contact us and let us help you with a holistic approach in mobile app development with strong focus on improving the buyer journeys along the UI of your Application.

Carmatec brings together multifaceted skill-set from the areas of design, behavioural science, usability, analytics, marketing and brand creation to provide businesses with holistic solutions for Web Design, ウェブおよびモバイル開発, Remote IT infrastructure management, Software Development, Managed IT services, Cloud Consulting, Internet Marketing and Branding.

