
1月 7, 2023

オンラインの世界は今日、特にスマートフォンやタブレット端末の台頭によってより普及している。によると、高レベルのデータトラフィックの大半はモバイルデバイスから派生しており、iOSはその27.22%を占めている。 スタットカウンター.

その結果だ、 専属開発者の雇用 は、あなたのビジネスアイデアを実現するために極めて重要である。その結果 iOS開発者の雇用コスト が重要だ。


さらに、次のようなお手伝いもいたします。 アプリ開発 特に iOSアプリ開発者を雇う.まず、iOSモバイルデベロッパーの雇用の側面と雇用コストに影響を与える要因を見てみましょう。



  • 時給$45~$75(iOS開発者
  • Android開発者の時給は$25~$85
  • $25~$70/時間 React Native開発者
  • 1時間あたり$25~$50以上(Xamarin開発者向け




アプリ開発者のコストは、アプリがリリースされるモバイルプラットフォームに大きく影響されます。あなたの夢は iOSアプリを、"an "を、"an "を アンドロイドアプリそれともWindowsアプリ?クロスプラットフォームか ハイブリッドアプリ という選択肢はありますか?どのオペレーティング・システム(またはシステム)を選択するかによって価格差が生じます。

Androidアプリ開発者の採用コスト 通常、iOSアプリやWindowsアプリのための雇用コストを上回ります。iOSやWindowsはシンプルで要求も少ないが、Androidはより複雑で、より多くの制作を必要とする。


もし、ハイブリッド車、あるいは クロスプラットフォームアプリ アプリを複数のアプリストアで利用可能にしたい場合。複数のアプリを作成するのに比べ、この方法は安価で、納期もかなり早くなります。


の価格である。 モバイルアプリ開発者 は、開発したいアプリのタイプによっても決まります。需要が高ければ、開発者はあなたのタイプのアプリを作れるかもしれない。多くの開発者が利用できるということは、かなりリーズナブルな料金を支払うことができるということです。あなたのタイプのアプリはとても人気がありますが、それが開発された後、利益にならないかもしれません。












It will also affect how much it costs to hire an app developer based on the skills we have and the software they are familiar with. iOS developers should be familiar with Objective C, Swift, and the Xcode IDE, while Android developers should be familiar with Java, Android SDK, and the Android Studio IDE. The rates should be reasonably low and competitive for people with limited knowledge of these fundamentals.

There is a possibility that iOS開発者 who are also familiar with Foundation, UIKit, and Cocoa will charge more. As with Ionic, Corona, and Material Foundation, Android developers will charge a higher rate if they can use these frameworks. In general, the more tools an app developer can use, the more expensive their services will be.

What are the Benefits of creating an iOS App

Increasing user loyalty

In order for any business to grow, iOS users must be loyal. In order to develop an app as a business, you must be confident that your target audience will not switch to another platform, leaving you with fewer users. Your app won’t suffer from this problem if you develop it for iOS.


Cost-savings in maintenance

To ensure the quality of iOS applications, Apple devices adhere to strict regulations and rules. Apple devices are the only devices for which iOS apps are developed. By running the operating system on one type of device with a known quality and hardware specification, businesses can lower app maintenance costs. Therefore, monitoring the app’s performance on multiple platforms does not require a maintenance cost.

In the case of established businesses

Expand your market and grow your revenue. The focus of any business is always the same. Expand and grow. iOS’s popularity in developed countries like the USA and Europe ensures your app’s success among affluent users. Profits are naturally generated for your business as a result. The widespread use of iPhones in developed countries makes iPhone app development a great option for your business. It is possible to gain a firm foothold in these markets with a well-built app.

 Build trust with customers by ensuring their security

You shouldn’t just focus on making a flawless app. To earn the trust and loyalty of your users, you should focus on building a stable and secure app. The security features of iOS protect users from external threats. It is not uncommon for iPhone users to be comfortable with online transactions because viruses and malware aren’t a concern.


According to statistics, iOS apps have a relatively high return on investment. A healthy financial return can be achieved by acquiring investment-worthy clients. As a result, businesses can expand their reach and offer more services to their clients.

The cost of an app developer per hour varies by region

Depending on where the remote resource outsourcing company is located, hiring costs can differ significantly. Several factors contribute to this, including living costs and standards of living. Compared to Indian app developers, American coders can charge multiple times more per hour than their Indian counterparts.

1. 北米

App developers with more than three years of experience can command hourly rates as high as $120. A developer in Canada earns an average of $40/hour, with the most experienced earning $71/hour.

2. South America

South American costs are fairly homogenous and only slightly different. Argentina ranges from $23 to $45, Colombia from $18 to $27, and Brazil from $20 to $40.

3. ヨーロッパ

German, the UK, France, Ukraine, and the Netherlands are among the major players in this region. Developer costs are also higher in Europe, but not as high as in the United States.

Since Western European developers are in high demand, their wages are slightly higher on the labour market.  Mobile developers in Germany cost an average of $45. Germany is the most expensive country to hire developers from, along with Switzerland (where the hourly rate is $51).

It costs approximately $35-$37 per developer in the UK, and $40 per developer in the Netherlands.

A median cost of $27 is paid in Ukraine, $26 in Belarus, and $31 in Russia.

4. アジア

Developer rates in India start at $19 and in Vietnam at $20, making Asia the cheapest region overall.


Cost per hour can also be affected by tech stacks. Programmers are in high demand in the IT market because it is so flexible and adaptable, but they can be more expensive if they specialize in a rare technology.


Developer costs are also affected by complexity. Many developers don’t like to venture outside of their comfort zones and prefer to stick with familiar patterns. In contrast, there are others who are always up for a challenge, but their rates suffer as a result.

The Best Way to Hire an iOS Programmer

Finding the best iOS developers or iOS development companies to assist you in building the best iOS apps is not easy or fast. You can use your iOS developer to the fullest extent possible by following these steps.

Describe your project in detail

The description of your app must be clear so anyone reading it can understand what you want to accomplish and what you want to accomplish with it. You should explain in your project description how you plan to solve a business problem with your mobile app. In addition, include the goals and functionalities of your organization, as well as the application you need.

Select the best model for your needs

The work you need done determines whether you should hire an iOS programmer. iPhone apps can be developed in several ways, including outsourcing, engaging an agency, hiring a freelancer, or hiring a full-stack developer. The pros and cons of each hiring method should be considered before moving forward.

Interview the candidates

During the developer interview, ask the right questions to make the process easier and find the best iOS developer. There are some developers who stand out as all-around standouts, some who are deep thinkers, and some who are high performers. In your interview questions, you should explore all of these factors.

Sign the contract and finalize the agreement

If Your contract with your iOS developer specifies what you will receive after the project is completed. A dispute resolution clause should be included in such agreements. As with other service agreements, this contract has many similarities. Termination clauses and dispute resolutions should be specified in a contract.

アン iOS mobile apps development contract should include the following components.

  • Provided services
  • Time and cost of the project
  • Testing of acceptance
  • Rights to intellectual property
  • 機密保持



スタッフの補強が必要な方へ、 カルマテック ソフトウェア開発の専門知識は、時間、リソース、コストを節約することができます。あなたのビジネスを次のレベルに引き上げるために、iOSとiPhoneのトップアプリ開発者の私たちのネットワークを頼りにすることができます。インドのアプリ開発者の雇用コストについて詳しくお知りになりたい場合は、お電話をご予約ください。
