Guía completa de Apache Cordova

14 de agosto de 2024

Apache Cordova es un marco de desarrollo móvil de código abierto que permite a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones móviles utilizando HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Cordova envuelve su aplicación web en un contenedor nativo que puede acceder a las funciones del dispositivo de varias plataformas. Esta guía cubrirá los aspectos básicos de Apache Cordova, sus características, el proceso de instalación y las principales ventajas para los desarrolladores de aplicaciones móviles.

¿Qué es Apache Cordova?

Apache Cordova permite a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones móviles utilizando tecnologías web como HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript en lugar de depender de API específicas de cada plataforma. Las aplicaciones se ejecutan dentro de envoltorios específicos para cada plataforma y se basan en enlaces de API compatibles con los estándares para acceder a las capacidades de cada dispositivo.

Características clave

  1. Desarrollo multiplataforma:
    • Cordova permite a los desarrolladores escribir el código una sola vez y desplegarlo en múltiples plataformas como iOS, Android, Windows Phone y más. Esto reduce significativamente el tiempo y el esfuerzo de desarrollo.
  2. Acceso a las API de dispositivos nativos:
    • Cordova proporciona un conjunto de API de JavaScript que permiten a la aplicación acceder a funciones del dispositivo como la cámara, el GPS, el sistema de archivos, los contactos, etc.
  3. Amplia biblioteca de plugins:
    • Cordova es compatible con un amplio ecosistema de plugins que amplían sus capacidades. Estos plugins proporcionan funcionalidades adicionales, como integración con redes sociales, procesamiento de pagos, etc.
  4. Flujo de trabajo de desarrollo unificado:
    • Con Cordova, puede mantener un único código base para todas las plataformas, lo que simplifica el mantenimiento y las actualizaciones.


Para empezar a utilizar Apache Cordova, debe tener Nodo.js y npm (Node Package Manager) instalados en su sistema. Una vez que tengas estos prerrequisitos, puedes instalar Cordova usando el siguiente comando npm:npm install -g cordova

Creación de un nuevo proyecto Cordova

Después de instalar Cordova, puede crear un nuevo proyecto ejecutando:

  • cordova create myApp
  • cd miApp
  • plataforma cordova añadir android
  • plataforma cordova añadir ios

Esto creará un nuevo proyecto Cordova y le añadirá las plataformas Android e iOS.

Construir y ejecutar el proyecto

Para compilar y ejecutar su proyecto Cordova en una plataforma específica, utilice los siguientes comandos:

  • cordova build android
  • cordova run android

Sustituir androide con ios para construir y ejecutar en iOS.

Flujo de trabajo de desarrollo

1. Desarrollar

  • Escriba el código de su aplicación utilizando HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Utiliza el framework web o las librerías que prefieras.

2. Prueba

  • Utiliza la interfaz de línea de comandos de Cordova para probar tu aplicación en varios dispositivos y emuladores. También puedes utilizar herramientas de recarga en vivo para ver los cambios al instante.

3. Depurar

  • Utiliza herramientas de depuración basadas en navegador o depuradores específicos de plataforma para identificar y solucionar problemas en tu aplicación.

4. Despliegue

  • Una vez que su aplicación esté lista, utilice Cordova para crearla e implantarla en tiendas de aplicaciones o distribuirla directamente a los usuarios.

Ventajas del uso de Apache Cordova

1. Rentable

  • Cordova reduce los costes de desarrollo al permitir una única base de código para múltiples plataformas.

2. Velocidad

  • El desarrollo y la implantación rápidos son posibles porque sólo hay que escribir la aplicación una vez.

3. 3. Apoyo comunitario

  • Al ser un proyecto de código abierto, Cordova cuenta con una gran comunidad de desarrolladores que contribuyen con plugins, herramientas y soporte.

4. Flexibilidad

  • Cordova se integra bien con otros marcos y herramientas de desarrollo, lo que proporciona flexibilidad a la hora de elegir su pila tecnológica.

¿Cuáles son los aspectos importantes de Apache Cordova Framework?

Apache Cordova es un marco versátil que permite a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones móviles utilizando tecnologías web como HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Estos son algunos de sus aspectos importantes:

1. Desarrollo multiplataforma

  • Descripción:
    • Cordova enables developers to write a single codebase that runs across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and more.
  • Beneficios
    • Reduces development time and costs.
    • Ensures consistency across different platforms.
    • Simplifies maintenance and updates.

2. Access to Native Device APIs

  • Descripción:
    • Cordova provides a set of JavaScript APIs to access device capabilities such as the camera, GPS, file system, contacts, and more.
  • Beneficios
    • Enhances the functionality of web-based apps.
    • Allows for the creation of feature-rich mobile applications.
    • Bridges the gap between web and native apps.

3. Extensive Plugin Library

  • Descripción:
    • Cordova has a vast ecosystem of plugins that extend its capabilities, enabling additional functionalities such as social media integration, payment processing, and more.
  • Beneficios
    • Provides flexibility to add new features easily.
    • Saves development time by reusing existing solutions.
    • Encourages community contributions and support.

4. Unified Development Workflow

  • Descripción:
    • Cordova allows for a unified development process where developers can use familiar web development tools and workflows.
  • Beneficios
    • Streamlines the development process.
    • Leverages existing web development skills.
    • Reduces the learning curve for new developers.

5. Performance Optimization

  • Descripción:
    • While web-based, Cordova apps can achieve near-native performance through various optimization techniques and proper use of plugins.
  • Beneficios
    • Ensures smooth and responsive user experiences.
    • Allows for complex functionalities without significant performance trade-offs.
    • Provides flexibility in performance tuning.

6. Community and Ecosystem

  • Descripción:
    • Being an open-source project, Cordova has a large and active community of developers who contribute plugins, tools, and support.
  • Beneficios
    • Access to a wealth of resources and documentation.
    • Regular updates and improvements.
    • Collaboration and knowledge sharing among developers.

7. Integration with Other Frameworks

  • Descripción:
    • Cordova integrates well with other frameworks and tools, such as Ionic, Angular, and React, to enhance app development.
  • Beneficios
    • Increases the versatility of Cordova.
    • Allows developers to choose their preferred tools and frameworks.
    • Enhances the overall development experience.

How Cordova Works: Bridging the Web and Native Divide?

Apache Cordova bridges the gap between aplicaciones web and native mobile applications, allowing developers to build cross-platform apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here’s a detailed look at how Cordova achieves this:

1. Core Components

  • WebView
    • At the heart of a Cordova application is the WebView, a browser instance that runs within a native application shell. The WebView renders the app’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, providing the interface for users.
  • Native Container
    • Cordova wraps the WebView in a native container, which varies depending on the platform (e.g., an iOS app for iOS, an Android app for Android). This container allows the web-based app to be distributed and installed like a native app.

2. Accessing Native Features

  • JavaScript APIs
    • Cordova provides a set of JavaScript APIs that enable web applications to access native device features, such as the camera, GPS, file system, and contacts. These APIs abstract the underlying platform-specific code, providing a consistent interface for developers.
  • Plugins
    • Cordova’s functionality can be extended through plugins. Plugins are add-ons that provide additional JavaScript APIs to access more native features or services. There are numerous plugins available for various functionalities, such as social media integration, payment processing, and more.
  • Custom Plugins
    • Developers can also create custom plugins to access unique native features or integrate specific third-party services that are not covered by existing plugins.

3. Development Workflow

  • Initial Setup
    • Developers start by installing Cordova and creating a new project using the Cordova CLI. They add the desired platforms (e.g., iOS, Android) to the project, which prepares the necessary native containers.
  • Writing the App
    • The app’s user interface and logic are written using standard web technologies. Developers can use any frameworks or libraries they prefer, such as Angular, React, or Vue.js.
  • Building and Running
    • Once the app is developed, it can be built and run on different platforms using the Cordova CLI. The build process compiles the web assets and packages them within the native containers for each platform.
  • Testing and Debugging
    • Cordova supports various testing and debugging tools. Developers can use browser-based tools for initial testing and platform-specific debugging tools for more in-depth analysis and troubleshooting.

4. Performance Considerations

  • Optimization Techniques
    • To ensure good performance, developers need to follow best practices for web development, such as optimizing images, minimizing JavaScript, and reducing HTTP requests. Cordova also supports hardware acceleration and other optimization techniques to enhance performance.
  • Hybrid App Performance
    • While Cordova apps are essentially web applications running within a native container, they can achieve near-native performance with proper optimization. However, highly graphics-intensive applications or those requiring low-level hardware access might not perform as well as fully native apps.

5. Deployment

  • App Stores
    • Cordova apps are packaged and deployed to app stores (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play Store) like any other native application. This allows users to download and install the app on their devices.
  • Updates
    • Updating a Cordova app typically involves modifying the web assets and rebuilding the app for the target platforms. Cordova also supports hot code pushes, allowing developers to update the web assets without going through the app store review process.

Ionic and Cordova: A Perfect Pairing for Hybrid App Excellence

Ionic and Apache Cordova together create a powerful environment for hybrid app development, enabling developers to build high-quality mobile applications using web technologies. Here’s a comprehensive look at why they are a perfect pairing:

What is Ionic?

Ionic is a popular open-source framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a library of mobile-optimized UI components, tools, and themes, enabling developers to create native-like mobile apps efficiently.

¿Qué es Apache Cordova?

Apache Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework that wraps web applications in a native container, allowing them to access device features through JavaScript APIs. This enables developers to build mobile applications using web technologies and deploy them across multiple platforms.

How They Work Together

1. Integration

Ionic leverages Cordova to access native device features, using Cordova’s plugins to provide functionalities like camera access, GPS, and file storage. Ionic provides the frontend UI framework, while Cordova acts as the bridge to the native device capabilities.

2. Development Workflow

  • Ionic CLI: The Ionic Command Line Interface (CLI) simplifies the development process, allowing developers to start new projects, add plugins, build, and deploy apps with ease.
  • Cordova Plugins: Ionic integrates seamlessly with Cordova plugins, providing a unified development experience for accessing native features.

3. UI Components

Ionic offers a rich set of UI components that are designed to work across different platforms, ensuring a consistent look and feel. These components are highly customizable and follow native design guidelines.

4. Performance Optimization

Ionic focuses on performance optimization, ensuring that apps built with the framework are fast and responsive. The combination of Ionic’s optimized UI components and Cordova’s native access ensures near-native performance for hybrid apps.

Benefits of Using Ionic and Cordova Together

1. Desarrollo multiplataforma

  • Developers can write a single codebase and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web. This significantly reduces development time and costs.

2. Access to Native Features

  • With Cordova’s extensive plugin library, developers can easily access native device features, enhancing the functionality of their apps.

3. Rich UI/UX

  • Ionic’s comprehensive library of UI components and themes allows developers to create beautiful, high-quality user interfaces that provide a native-like experience.

4. Community and Support

  • Both Ionic and Cordova have large, active communities that contribute to plugins, tools, and support. This provides a wealth of resources for developers to draw upon.

5. Flexibility

  • Developers can choose to use other frameworks (like Angular, Reaccionar, or Vue) alongside Ionic, giving them flexibility in their development approach.


Apache Cordova is a powerful tool for desarrollo de aplicaciones moviles, especially for developers who are well-versed in web technologies. It provides a robust framework for building cross-platform apps with ease and efficiency. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting, Cordova’s extensive plugin library, active community, and comprehensive API access make it a valuable asset in your development toolkit.

Preguntas frecuentes

1. What is Apache Cordova?

Apache Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework that allows developers to build mobile applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It wraps these web applications into a native container to access device functions across multiple platforms.

2. How do you install Apache Cordova?

To install Apache Cordova, you need Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can then use the command npm install -g cordova to install Cordova globally.

3. What platforms does Apache Cordova support?

Apache Cordova supports a wide range of platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Firefox OS, and more, allowing developers to deploy their applications across multiple devices with a single codebase.

4. How does Cordova access native device features?

Cordova uses a set of JavaScript APIs and plugins to access native device features such as the camera, GPS, contacts, and file system. These plugins provide a bridge between the web code and the native functionality of the device.

5. What are the benefits of using Apache Cordova?

The benefits of using Apache Cordova include cross-platform compatibility, reduced development time and costs, access to a wide range of device features, an extensive plugin ecosystem, and the ability to leverage existing web development skills for mobile app development.
