jQuery vs. React: Umfassender Leitfaden für Entwickler im Jahr 2025

16. November 2024

In der dynamischen Welt der Webentwicklung werden Tools und Bibliotheken ständig weiterentwickelt. Wir nähern uns dem Jahr 2025, zwei beliebte Front-End-Technologien, jQuery Und Reagierenwerden nach wie vor häufig von Entwicklern verglichen, wenn sie sich für das richtige Tool für ihre Projekte entscheiden. Obwohl jQuery und React unterschiedlichen Zwecken dienen, kann das Verständnis ihrer Stärken und Grenzen Ihnen helfen, eine fundierte Wahl zu treffen. Dieser Leitfaden befasst sich mit den Hauptunterschieden, Anwendungsfällen und Zukunftsaussichten von jQuery und React.

Was ist jQuery?

jQuery ist eine schnelle, kleine und funktionsreiche JavaScript-Bibliothek, die die HTML-DOM-Manipulation, Ereignisbehandlung und Animationen vereinfacht. Sie wurde 2006 eingeführt und wurde aufgrund ihrer Fähigkeit, gängige JavaScript-Probleme mit einer einfachen, benutzerfreundlichen Syntax zu lösen, populär. jQuerys Slogan "Write less, do more" spiegelt das primäre Ziel der Vereinfachung der JavaScript-Entwicklung wider.

Hauptmerkmale von jQuery:

  1. Vereinfachte DOM-ManipulationjQuery erleichtert das Auswählen, Durchlaufen und Bearbeiten von HTML-Elementen mithilfe einer einfachen Syntax.
  2. Cross-Browser-Kompatibilität: Es behandelt Browser-Inkonsistenzen und sorgt dafür, dass der Code in verschiedenen Browsern reibungslos funktioniert.
  3. Animation und Effekte: Mit den integrierten Funktionen können Entwickler mühelos Animationen und UI-Effekte erstellen.
  4. AJAX-UnterstützungjQuery bietet eine einfache Möglichkeit, asynchrone HTTP-Anfragen mit minimalem Code zu stellen.

Was ist React?

Reagieren ist eine JavaScript-Bibliothek zur Erstellung von Benutzeroberflächen, insbesondere von Single-Page-Anwendungen (SPAs). React wurde 2013 von Facebook entwickelt und führte das Konzept einer virtuelles DOMund ermöglicht effiziente Aktualisierungen der Benutzeroberfläche und eine bessere Leistung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einer komponentenbasierten Architektur, bei der die Elemente der Benutzeroberfläche wiederverwendbare und unabhängig verwaltete Komponenten sind.

Hauptmerkmale von React:

  1. Komponentenbasierte Architektur: React fördert die Wiederverwendbarkeit, indem es die Benutzeroberfläche in in sich geschlossene Komponenten zerlegt.
  2. Virtuelles DOM: Das virtuelle DOM von React aktualisiert effizient nur die notwendigen Teile des realen DOMs und steigert so die Leistung.
  3. Einseitige Datenbindung: Der unidirektionale Datenfluss von React gewährleistet eine vorhersehbare Zustandsverwaltung und erleichtert das Debugging.
  4. Starkes Ökosystem: React verfügt über ein umfangreiches Ökosystem mit Tools wie Redux für die Zustandsverwaltung, React Router für die Navigation und eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Drittanbieter-Bibliotheken.

Kernunterschiede zwischen jQuery und React

Primäre VerwendungDOM-Bearbeitung, AJAXErstellung von Benutzeroberflächen, einseitige Anwendungen
LernkurveEinfach, anfängerfreundlichMäßig bis steil, insbesondere mit JSX und Zustandsverwaltung
Virtuelles DOMNEINJa
ArchitekturImperativDeklarativ, komponentenbasiert
Staatliches ManagementNicht eingebautIntegriert mit Hooks, externe Bibliotheken wie Redux

Vorteile der Verwendung von jQuery

  1. Einfache SyntaxDie einfache Syntax von jQuery macht es auch Anfängern zugänglich, die ihren Websites Interaktivität hinzufügen möchten.
  2. Schnelles Prototyping: Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit ermöglicht es Entwicklern, schnell dynamisches Verhalten und Prototyp-Funktionen hinzuzufügen.
  3. Breite Plugin-Unterstützung: Eine große Sammlung von Plugins erweitert die Funktionalität und hilft Entwicklern, Funktionen wie Schieberegler, Modals und Animationen mühelos hinzuzufügen.
  4. RückwärtskompatibilitätjQuery: jQuery ist in hohem Maße mit älteren Browsern kompatibel und eignet sich daher für Projekte, bei denen die Unterstützung älterer Versionen erforderlich ist.

Advantages of Using React

  1. Hohe Leistung: React’s virtual DOM optimizes updates, making it suitable for complex, dynamic UIs.
  2. Wiederverwendbare Komponenten: React’s component-based architecture promotes reusability, reducing development time and effort.
  3. Strong Community and Ecosystem: A vast community and ecosystem provide extensive resources, libraries, and tools to streamline development.
  4. Skalierbarkeit: React’s structure makes it ideal for building scalable applications, from simple websites to large SPAs.

Use Cases: When to Choose jQuery or React?

Choose jQuery if:

  • You are building a simple, small-scale website or project with minimal dynamic content.
  • You need to support older browsers that may not fully handle modern JavaScript frameworks.
  • You want to quickly add interactive elements or effects without setting up a complex build process.

Choose React if:

  • You are developing a complex, dynamic Internetanwendung with many interactive components.
  • You need a scalable solution that can handle frequent updates and real-time data changes.
  • You prefer a component-based architecture for better reusability and maintainability of code.
  • You are working with a modern tech stack that includes js, Next.js, or other React-compatible tools.

Performance Comparison

React’s virtual DOM and declarative programming approach generally provide better performance for applications with high interactivity and frequent updates. It minimizes the number of direct manipulations to the real DOM, which can be a performance bottleneck in jQuery.

jQuery, on the other hand, directly manipulates the DOM, which can lead to slower performance in complex applications. For small projects with minimal interactivity, this performance difference may not be significant.

Why ReactJS is Perfect for Startups and Established Businesses

In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, choosing the right technology is crucial for both Startups aiming to make a mark and established businesses looking to stay competitive. ReactJS, a powerful and popular JavaScript library developed by Facebook, has emerged as a top choice for building dynamic, user-friendly interfaces. Its flexibility, efficiency, and robust ecosystem make it an excellent fit for businesses of all sizes. Here’s why ReactJS is ideal for both startups and established companies.

1. Fast Development and Time-to-Market

For startups, speed is often critical to gaining a competitive edge. ReactJS enables rapid development thanks to its component-based architecture, which allows developers to reuse code across the application. This reduces the development time significantly, helping startups quickly launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and test their ideas in the market.

Established businesses benefit from this rapid development as well. They can quickly roll out new features, updates, or redesigns without a complete overhaul of their existing codebase, making ReactJS an excellent choice for maintaining and scaling applications efficiently.

2. High Performance and Scalability

Performance is a key factor for any business application, and ReactJS excels in this area due to its Virtuelles DOM. Unlike traditional frameworks that update the real DOM directly, React uses a virtual representation of the DOM to make updates only where necessary, significantly improving performance. This makes React ideal for highly interactive and dynamic applications.

For startups, this means they can build lightweight, fast-loading applications that provide a great user experience even as their user base grows. Established businesses, on the other hand, can leverage React’s scalability to handle high traffic and complex user interactions seamlessly.

3. SEO-Friendly Capabilities

A strong online presence is crucial for both startups looking to gain visibility and established businesses aiming to maintain their search engine rankings. Traditionally, single-page applications (SPAs) struggle with SEO because search engine crawlers have difficulty indexing JavaScript-heavy content. However, ReactJS addresses this issue with its ability to support server-side rendering (SSR).

With SSR, React can render content on the server before sending it to the client’s browser. This improves page load speed and enhances SEO, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index the content. This is especially beneficial for e-commerce platforms and content-heavy websites, where SEO performance directly impacts user acquisition and retention.

4. Strong Community and Ecosystem

ReactJS boasts a large, active community of developers and a rich ecosystem of libraries, tools, and resources. Startups can benefit from this community by accessing a wealth of tutorials, forums, and open-source projects, which can help speed up development and resolve issues quickly.

For established businesses, React’s extensive ecosystem includes powerful tools like Redux for state management, React Router for seamless navigation, and Nächste.js for server-side rendering and static site generation. These tools make it easier to build and maintain complex applications with robust performance.

5. Ease of Learning and Adoption

ReactJS has a relatively gentle learning curve compared to other frameworks like Angular or Vue.js. Developers familiar with JavaScript can quickly pick up React, making it an attractive choice for startups looking to onboard new talent or train existing team members.

For established businesses with existing development teams, React’s straightforward syntax and modular nature make it easier to integrate into ongoing projects or migrate from older technologies. Its compatibility with JavaScript ES6 and other modern web technologies means teams can adopt React without having to overhaul their entire tech stack.

6. Cross-Platform Development with React Native

One of the biggest advantages of choosing React is its close integration with Native reagieren, a framework for building mobile applications. Startups and businesses can use the same React codebase to create both web and mobile Anwendungen, significantly reducing development costs and time-to-market.

For startups, this allows them to launch a web application and quickly follow up with a mobile app using a similar code structure. Established businesses can expand their product offerings to mobile platforms without needing to maintain separate teams for web and mobile development.

7. Robust Development Tools and Testing

ReactJS comes with a variety of developer tools that enhance the development experience. Tools like React-Entwickler-Tools Und Redux DevTools provide insights into component hierarchies, state changes, and performance, making it easier to debug and optimize applications.

Startups can take advantage of these tools to identify and fix issues quickly during the development phase, while established businesses can maintain high-quality code and optimize application performance as they scale.

8. Future-Proofing with Continuous Updates

ReactJS is continuously maintained and updated by Meta (Facebook) and the open-source community. This active development ensures that React remains compatible with modern web standards and is equipped with the latest features and improvements.

For startups, adopting a well-supported library like React reduces the risk of building on a technology that may become obsolete. Established businesses benefit from React’s backward compatibility and regular updates, ensuring long-term sustainability and reducing technical debt.

Why jQuery is Perfect for Startups and Established Businesses

jQuery has been a popular JavaScript library since its release in 2006. Known for its simplicity and ease of use, jQuery makes it straightforward to handle DOM manipulations, animations, and AJAX requests. For both Startups Und established businesses, jQuery can be a practical choice, especially for lightweight, quick-to-implement solutions. Here’s why jQuery is still relevant and beneficial in 2025:

1. Easy to Learn and Use
  • Startups often need to get up and running quickly with minimal complexity. jQuery’s simple syntax and extensive documentation make it easy for beginners to pick up and start using immediately. It simplifies common tasks like event handling, animations, and AJAX calls, allowing startups to develop basic features rapidly.
  • Established businesses may still have legacy projects relying on jQuery. It is easier to maintain and update these projects without the need for a complete rewrite, making jQuery a cost-effective choice.
2. Broad Browser Compatibility
  • jQuery offers excellent cross-browser compatibility, abstracting away many inconsistencies between different web browsers. This is a huge advantage for Startups that may not have the resources to test their applications across various platforms.
  • Für established businesses with a diverse user base, ensuring that their websites work seamlessly on all browsers is crucial. jQuery’s compatibility makes it a reliable tool for handling browser differences effortlessly.
3. Quick Prototyping and MVP Development
  • Startups often aim to build and launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test their ideas in the market. jQuery’s simplicity and lightweight nature allow developers to quickly prototype features without spending time on complex setups.
  • Für established businesses, jQuery can be used for rapid iterations and updates to existing applications, especially for adding small interactive elements without the overhead of a modern frontend framework.
4. Wide Plugin Ecosystem
  • jQuery boasts a vast ecosystem of plugins for various functionalities, from sliders and modals to form validation. Startups can save development time by integrating these pre-built solutions, rather than coding them from scratch.
  • Established businesses benefit from this ecosystem by easily enhancing their existing projects without making significant changes to the codebase.
5. Small Learning Curve for Legacy Code Integration
  • Für established businesses with existing jQuery codebases, it is often easier to continue using jQuery rather than transitioning to a modern framework like React or Vue.js. This minimizes the risk of breaking existing functionalities and reduces the need for extensive retraining of the development team.
  • Startups with a limited budget and small teams can also benefit from jQuery’s ease of use, as it requires less investment in learning modern JavaScript frameworks.

Future Outlook: jQuery vs React in 2025

As of 2025, Reagieren is expected to continue its dominance in the front-end development space due to its performance, scalability, and growing ecosystem. With the rise of SPAs, PWAs, and complex user interfaces, React’s component-based architecture and virtual DOM will likely remain the preferred choice for developers.

jQuery, while still widely used in legacy projects and simple websites, is becoming less popular for new projects. Its role in modern web development has diminished as developers increasingly opt for more advanced frameworks like React, Vue.js, or Angular for building dynamic applications. However, it remains a reliable tool for quick fixes, small-scale projects, and maintaining legacy codebases.

Conclusion: Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing between jQuery and React in 2025 depends on your project requirements, development goals, and team expertise:

  • For small projects or sites with minimal dynamic content, jQuery is still a viable option due to its simplicity and ease of use.
  • For complex, interactive, and scalable applications, React is the preferred choice, offering better performance, maintainability, and a strong ecosystem.

Ultimately, the decision will depend on factors like the project’s complexity, the need for real-time updates, and the familiarity of the development team with the technologies. Both jQuery and React have their place in web development, and understanding their strengths can help you make an informed choice.

Final Thoughts

  • jQuery: Best suited for quick, small projects or legacy systems requiring compatibility with older browsers.
  • Reagieren: Ideal for dynamic, complex web applications with a focus on performance, scalability, and a unified JavaScript ecosystem.

As the web development landscape continues to evolve, React is likely to remain a dominant force in building modern, dynamic user interfaces, while jQuery’s simplicity will still appeal to developers working on simpler, lightweight projects.
