Business Requirement
The client aims to provide tools that will engage students and teachers and provide them with adequate resources. The project was one such tool required by the company, where the teachers can create their own games and contents.
The application does the following
- Customized online game templates where the teacher controls the curriculum content.
- Teachers can select multiple game types (6 game types supported) and question formats and create a game in minutes.

Educational Gaming Portal Features
- It is a gaming network project developed for K-12 educators. It is an online source where teachers can create their own games, with their own content, while utilizing various question formats and game styles.
- Tree structure display of folders and files.
- Highly extensive signup mechanism to ensure security of the account holders .
- Management of question categories and question formats.
- Game Creation with different question formats.
- Security-rich payment system to handle online payments.
- User Management and community search for all type of games and questions.
- API integration with js based game panels to make the game data available in the platform for reporting and analytics tracking.
Solution Offered
Carmatec was chosen as the development partner for this application due to our team’s extensive experience in building large scale apps. Carmatec developed the application as per the client’s requirements as a subscription based model where both free and paid accounts are available. Schools can sign up to, and create games for the students through an easy-to-use interface.
Technology Stack
- Rails 3.1.10, Ruby 1.9.3
- HTML/CSS/JS, Ajax , Postgres
- Gems-authlogic, thinkingsphinx, flyingsphinx, chargify_api_ares, delayed_job_active_record, aws-s3, paperclip
- API integration of the platform with edmodo api, Aws-s3, chargify.
- Hosted on Heroku cloud.
Client details are protected under strict NDA and, therefore we do not disclose such information. However, we can provide references once you make an enquiry.