Top 10 React Component Libraries/Frameworks for 2025

December 30, 2022

What is a React framework? What framework do we use for React? What is the best UI for ReactJS? Continue reading this post to learn more about React UI frameworks and how they work.

Creating interactive websites requires front-end coding, which controls the appearance of user interfaces. The visual aspect of a web page is managed by JavaScript tools during front-end development. In the world of web development, React is one of the most popular front-end JavaScript tools. 

React or ReactJS is a JavaScript library that is free and open-source. User interfaces are built using React by front-end developers. UI components are contained in the JavaScript library and develop the visual elements of a website. 

Single-page applications and native mobile applications can be created with React. The state management of a web page is affected by React code. Declarative programming is the underlying paradigm of React. Data changes cause the state of the web page to change as a result.

In addition to Instagram, Netflix, RedditSalesforce, and others, React is a top-rated framework.


These are the top 10 React libraries and frameworks

Listed below are the top 10 React libraries and frameworks that will help you create beautiful apps.

1. Create a React application

React App Creator is a command-line program that does not require installation. Instead, it helps people get the app development process started by encouraging them to create their own templates.

As part of the React ecosystem, Create-React-App is well-known. You can use JavaScript’s latest features and best development practices in your development environment. As a result, you will be able to deploy your software more quickly.

The whole time can be dedicated to writing code. A single requirement must be met in order to build. As a result, there is no problem. Create React App is better suited to small web projects because it supports EsLint, Webpack Babel, and other tools. In addition to web apps, it can also be used to build single-page applications.

2. Redux

The Redux framework is a way for JavaScript to manage states. Other tools can also be used with it, including the React framework.

When switching devices, Redux enables you to continue where you left off. If, for example, your laptop’s battery suddenly dies while you’re writing an email. The same email program on your phone allows you to keep writing your message.

As long as the state of the program remains the same across all devices, Redux is able to assure a consistent user experience. In addition, there is only one shop, which serves as the only reliable source. Actions are the only way to change a state in Redux. The app can change its condition when, why, and how you choose.

A number of frameworks, including Angular, Laravel, and React, can be used together with Redux.

3. Rebase

With Rebase, you can make a set of UI elements that look good and can be styled by adding a small library of the styled System library. Mobile devices can easily use this tiny file, which contains eight essential elements.

Your project can be customized by adding custom UI components using the built-in Theme-provider. Using Rebass would be good if you do not want to end up using a new heavy-weight component library, but rather add to an existing one.


4. Mobx

Another framework for managing the state of React-based web apps is Mobx. The learning curve is shorter, more customization options are available, and the data collection process is automated.

Unlike Redux, it works differently. Data is stored in more than one place in Mobx, while it is only stored in one place in Redux. Since these data stores can be written repeatedly, they can be taken anywhere. It is possible to figure out the states of data flow in one direction. Object-oriented programming and abstraction are also heavily used in this program.

As a result, developers have a great deal of freedom and don’t have to worry too much about being monitored. A web developer can update all related parts instantly by changing a state.

5. Evergreen UI

Designed for professional web applications, Evergreen UI is a collection of React components. Due to the fact that it is based on React Primitives, it is easy to modify.

It includes many tools and parts, including typography, basic layouts, icons, colors, and functional details like toggles, dropdowns, feedback indicators, and file uploads. Choosing which components to bring after installing the Evergreen package is up to you.

6. Material UI

Using these parts, Google puts into practice its well-publicized Material design philosophy. In terms of React component libraries, Material UI is by far the most popular choice. A website can easily and quickly incorporate it because it is so easily added.

7. Ant Design

The Ant Design user interface framework is based on the React library. A design system developed by the Alibaba group has become increasingly popular among small businesses.

Ant Design UI is written in TypeScript. With it, you can quickly create front-ends with powerful and flexible React UI components. It is easy to understand, and there is a lot of information. The Ant Design Guidelines state that component APIs should be clear, modular, and make sense.


8. React Router

The routing system is capable of doing everything. If everything is in place, customers will have a pleasant and consistent experience when using your web app.

With React Router, you can create declarative routing systems quickly and easily. Ensure that every part of your website has its own URL and that it is easy to move between them.

9. Framer Motion

When it came to React animations, react-motion was a popular choice. Meanwhile, Framer Motion has improved in stability and ease of use.

The Framer library components have been completed. Their declarative nature makes them suitable for production. You can control the animations of parts using the graphical user interface. Writing the code is handled by the library.

10. React Virtualized

There is only one thing this high-quality React library excels at, and that is handling tabular data and long lists quickly and effectively. In a single table, if you need to see more than one column or if you have several parts, this library will help you.


Wrapping Up

We hope you find this article helpful in choosing the best React library for your website. Always focus on the uses and features of the libraries when choosing frameworks and libraries.

The market is flooded with such libraries, so don’t jump into one without doing your homework. Before choosing one, explore and get ideas.

Do Let us know which React library you prefer and what feedback you have. You can also hire ReactJS developers from Carmatec on hourly basis for your projects. 


Meta (formerly known as Facebook) created React as a JavaScript library. React UI frameworks contain components for building UIs. Web developers can use React to create user interfaces for native mobile apps and web pages.

The following React UI frameworks are available: React Bootstrap, Semantic UI React, Material UI, React Redux, Blueprint UI, Grommet, Ant Design, Chakra UI, Fluent UI, and Evergreen.

ReactJS supports UI frameworks like MUI (Material UI), React Bootstrap, React Redux, and Semantic UI. Other popular UIs include Ant Design, Chakra UI, Fluent UI, and Evergreen.
