The PHP frameworks best-fit for agile development

December 21, 2016

With the various PHP frameworks available in the market in the recent times, it can be a bit difficult to identify which one would be the best-suited for developing agile software and web applications. While it is understandably difficult and cumbersome to select the right framework for agile development, one you’ve made the selection, the rest of your web development journey is a cakewalk, since use of framework makes the process much faster with codes and modules that take the efficiency of the whole process to the next level. Apart from faster development of the projects, it also has a role to play in the long term maintenance of any project. So, the tricky part is the identification of the framework that works best for the kind of project you’ve taken up and the one that would enable agile development in the best way possible. To make things easier for you, we have compiled a list of PHP frameworks along with their unique features that can help you take a call on which one to choose.

Cake PHP

Using CakePHP developers can build web applications rapidly as compared to the other frameworks owing to its use of the code generation features. It has some great features as database access, caching, validation, translations, CSRF protection, SAL injection prevention and authentication etc.

  • The MVC conventions helps developers in application development task.
  • A framework with simplicity, scalability and providing a support system.
  • Zero configuration.
  • ACL Functionality and Security


One more of the popular MVC frameworks, Codelgniter is a proven, agile and open PHP framework. It enjoys wide popularity among the PHP developers across the globe. This open source application framework is simple and user-friendly along with high speed performance. Some other features are:

  • With its set of rich libraries, this framework empowers you with the ability to accomplish some of the common tasks with incredible ease. It offers a logical structure accompanied by a highly user-friendly interface that gives you direct access to these libraries.
  • The clear demarcation between logic and presentation it offers is remarkable.
  • This framework imparts excellent performance which is one of the most critical factors for choosing a framework.

Zend Framework 2

The open source PHP Framework is a great choice of a framework because of its ability to create software applications with the use of object oriented code. It forms an extensible and powerful framework due to the integration of components in the standard library, which helps in MVC execution.


Laravel is a PHP web application framework which is very much suitable for huge enterprise application.

  • Provides Database interaction functions
  • Best for all kind of projects huge as well as small.
  • Features localization, session management and SSH commands.


The PHP MVC framework has a simple and expedient Model-View-Controller structure for its applications. Not only is it simple to learn but it lets you work on it efficiently with ease. The MVC pattern of software architecture helps controlling different application interaction with the users. Equipped with the self-explained and intuitive structure, the framework is also quite well-documented.


Yii is one of those best PHP platforms to develop web applications which saves a lot of your valuable time by separating the development of agile software application process in – developing a DB and Customization.
It offers:

  • High performance
  • Reusable code
  • Suitable to work with third party tools

Among the various options of the PHP frameworks available in the market you should make a choice wisely to ensure that your PHP development journey is smooth. An apt choice of the framework is what paves way for the development of powerful web and software applications.

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