Backing Up a WordPress site: 7 Excuses for Not Doing it

September 29, 2014

aking regular backups of your WordPress site is important to avoid issues, but very often this practice is ignored. Often, when a new site is created, we are concerned about which CMS to use, its look and feel and content to be included. Backup is usually one of those things that is likely to be overshadowed.

Importance of making a backup of your WordPress site

There are many occasions in which a backup that allows you to quickly restore a site can come in handy. Often, however, the excuses we use to justify the absence of a backup are different. Here are a few of them-

The site has just started, I do not need any backup

This is one of the most common excuses and often leads to not taking a proper backup of your site. Just think about how much time has been will it take to create a backup? It is very negligible.

I make regular backup copies of the database

It is true that most of the contents of a WordPress site reside primarily in the database and not in files on the server, but this does not justify the fact that only one copy of the database is more than sufficient to quickly restore a site. All images or file uploaded, the plugins and the theme used are not present in the database.

I am careful about what I do and so do not risk anything

You will be careful and scrupulous to avoid installing plugins in case it may help, but definitely not enough to ensure that your WordPress site will be safe from any problems. Many plugins seem too docile to create any issues but, they hardly are.

I ensure that no errors happen from my side

Users are not the only possible source of problems, there are many things that can go the wrong way and damage an installation of WordPress: server crash, external attacks, bad plugin, etc.

WordPress will automatically save different versions of my articles

The autosave feature of posts and pages and the ability to manage the various revisions of the contents can’t be compared to a backup. These functions allow you to avoid losing an article or to remedy some errors saving a post. It does nothing more!

The company that gives me the hosting is already taking charge of the backup

It is quite common that the various hosting services offer a backup service. In some cases this is manual (ergo, if you do not personally backup your website, the hosting company will not do it for you), while in others it is automatic, for example using a software called R1Soft.

But pay attention, because in some cases these backups include only the files in your space but not the database. If you’re using a VPS, or a virtual private server, it may be that they are made of snapshots of the entire system. This is definitely good, but the restoration of the entire system is definitely longer and more cumbersome than the restoration of a single site.

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